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Our Story
Toy Notion began its journey in 2020 as a dedicated website for toy enthusiasts, providing the latest news and a well-curated archive of iconic toy companies and their brand portfolios. In 2024, driven by a lifelong passion for play and creativity, we ventured into the toy industry we had cherished since childhood. Launching our own toy company was not just a dream come true; it was an opportunity to envision our brand showcased on the very platform where it all began.
While our focus has expanded, we remain connected to our origins. Our love for the toy world lives on through our ever-updated Toy News and archive section, featured at the top of our page, alongside our online shop.
Throughout the years, we've worked on a wide variety of custom projects inspired by beloved pop culture IPs such as WWE and Dino-Riders. Each project has given us the opportunity to creatively bring iconic characters and worlds to life. Today, many of these creations are proudly displayed throughout our studio in Vancouver, Canada. They are a reminder of our journey from crafting personal passion projects to becoming creators of officially licensed action figures and statues. We hope that someday, some of these personal projects will be brought to life!
Our Brands
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